List of products by brand Principe Pallavicini
In the heart of the Castelli Romani, just 25 kilometers from the center of the Capital, to the southeast, you will find the Colonna Estate, which represents the original core of the Pallavicini family's winemaking activity. Today it covers approximately 80 hectares in total, of which 65 are vineyards, including 50 with white grapes and 15 with red grapes, as well as 4000 ancient olive trees of the varieties Leccino, Frantoio Moraiolo, Carboncella, Rosciola, and Itrana, all characterized by a predominantly hilly location at altitudes between 100 and 300 meters with a south-western orientation on limestone, clayey, well-drained soils. The estate consists of three parts: Colonna, Pasolina, and Marmorelle.